The Perfect Exotic Plant Companion

From fiery reds to vibrant yellows, check out our spectacular range of Heliconia Tropics at the Local Botanist! These resilient plants are easy to care for and even easier to find a place for in your garden. Their unique aesthetics and ability to attract all kinds of wildlife make them a must-have for tropical gardens and budding landscaping enthusiasts.

How to Plant Heliconia Tropics?

Enhance your garden with the exotic allure of Heliconia. With these simple planting tips, you'll cultivate a thriving Heliconia display, bringing a touch of the tropics to your garden's aesthetic look.  

  • Begin by choosing a well-draining, nutrient-rich soil that mirrors the plant's native tropical habitat.
  • Select a location bathed in partial sunlight to foster robust growth. 
  • Plant Heliconia rhizomes or seeds at a depth of 4 inches, ensuring proper spacing. 
  • Water consistently to maintain optimal soil moisture. 

Why Should You Buy Heliconia Tropics?

Thinking of buying a new showstopper for your garden? Heliconia Tropics makes the perfect addition to any warm-weather garden. Here’s why gardening enthusiasts LOVE this beauty:

  • They’re Easy to Plant: Once you buy a parrot beak plant, all you need to do is plant the Heliconia rhizomes or seeds four inches deep in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. Oh, and make sure the plant is only partially in the sun — it’s not like other full-sun tropical plants in Australia. 
  • They Look Majestic: Tropical plants like the Heliconia Tropic are visually stunning. Their vibrant and unique flowers add an exotic flair to any garden or landscape.
  • They Attract Wildlife: The striking blooms of tropical Heliconias attract hummingbirds and butterflies, making your garden the place to be for wildlife. Boost your biodiversity (and, in turn, the health of your other plants) with a Heliconia!
  • They’re Low-Maintenance and Easy to Care For: Big-leaf tropical plants like Heliconia are generally resilient and require minimal care. This makes it an ideal choice when designing your garden, no matter whether you’re an experienced or novice gardener.

How to Care for Heliconia Tropics?

Heliconia plants, known for their vibrant and exotic flowers, thrive with proper care. Here are five key steps on how to keep these plants flourishing:

  • Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
  • Maintain high humidity levels, ideally between 50-60%.
  • Heliconias prefer warm temperatures between 21-32°C.
  • Feed with a balanced liquid fertiliser every 2-4 weeks during the growing season.
  • Trim dead or damaged leaves regularly to promote healthy growth.

Things to Consider When Growing Heliconia Tropics

When growing Heliconia Tropics, there are several issues to keep in mind so as to ensure optimal growth and vibrant blooms. First is the plant's climate preference. Since Heliconias are tropical plants, they flourish in warm, humid locations. So, planting them in colder places or areas with low humidity may be a bit of a challenge.

But while they thrive in tropical or subtropical climates, you can still grow heliconias in colder regions just as long as you plant them in sheltered locations or in pots so that you can move them indoors when it gets too cold. Heliconias are also sensitive to frost and cold temperatures, ruining foliage and restricting growth.

It's also worth noting that while Heliconias prefer sunlight, too much direct sunlight can cause leaf scorch, especially if grown in Australia's hottest regions. To avoid potential issues, make sure your plant is partially shaded especially during the hottest parts of the day.

Proper maintenance and pruning are also recommended. If not, this plant can become leggy or overgrown. Another issue is invasion in certain areas or garden beds. To avoid this from happening, you can plant in pots to contain their growth or make physical barriers in the soil to restrict the spread of rhizomes.

Need help deciding which plants are better suited for your garden? Use our garden style plant calculator to give you a better idea.

Treating Heliconia Tropics for Signs of Pests and Diseases

Heliconias are usually free of pests and diseases, but there are a few issues to look out for to ensure you're being proactive. Common pests that might plague your plant are spider mites, aphids, and mealy bugs, a problem that can typically be remedied with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

As for potential diseases, fungal problems is the plant's greatest threat, caused by overwatering or poor soil drainage. The solution for fungal diseases are as simple as ensuring there's an excellent airflow around the plants. When watering, only do so at the base and make sure the soil has the chance to dry slightly between waterings.

Where Can I Buy Heliconia Tropics?

Buying tropical plants is the mark of a keen houseplant enthusiast. We have a range of Heliconias for sale, but the Heliconia Tropics is by far the best choice if you’re looking to add some exotic flair to your garden or home. 

Are you ready to transform your lawn and elevate your outdoor space with Heliconia? Buy Heliconia Tropics in Australia with the Local Botanist today!

You can also discover the garden style that’s right for you by taking our Garden Style Quiz.

Companion Plants for Heliconia Tropics

Heliconia is a prized part of any garden. To complement your new addition, why not branch out with some other Heliconia species and similar tropical plants? Check these out:

  • Philodendron Green Congo: Looking for a tropical plant to put indoors? The Green Congo is the perfect choice next to a Heliconia Tropics.
  • Calathea Zebrina “Zebra Plant”: Large, stripey leaves are what give this plant its unique name. Purchase this plant to give your garden some lovely variation.
  • Heliconia “Hot Rio Nights”: Common in the local markets of Rio de Janeiro, this Heliconia species blooms glossy red flowers to complement your Tropics plant.
  • Heliconia Rostrata: Looking for all-round tropical coverage? Buy a Heliconia Rostrata with its hanging leaves as a perfect companion to the ground-based Heliconia.
Weight 2 kg
Pot Size


Detailed Information

Typical height 1.5 - 2.5 metres
Minimum temperatur tolerance Generally frost-sensitive, prefers warmer climates
Climate Tropical and subtropical regions
Light conditions Bright, filtered sunlight
Growth habit Upright, clumping with multiple stems emerging from a rhizomatous root system
Growth conditions Requires rich, well-drained soil, high humidity, consistent moisture, and warm temperatures


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Q: When is the best season to buy Heliconias in Australia?

The constant heat of the Gold Coast, Brisbane, and Northern New South Wales regions means you can buy Heliconias practically all-year round. It’s best to buy your Heliconia Tropics in springtime, so that your plant can enjoy a warm summer and improve its health in preparation for the colder winter months.

Q: What are the best Heliconias to buy in summer?

Looking for plants that prefer the warm summer heat? Tropical Heliconias make great additions to any garden or household and love a warm climate. You can browse a range of Heliconia Tropics species right here on our site, or give us a call to enquire about a particular type of tropical Heliconia.

Q: What is the best Heliconia for screening?

Heliconia Tropics are great for screening as they have large fan-shaped leaves that act as a natural fence. If you want even more screening coverage, go for a larger Heliconia species like the Heliconia Rauliniana, which can reach 5.5 metres tall! If you’re set on the Heliconia Tropics, you could buy a hanging plant to add more plant coverage across the top of a fence or wall.

Q: How fast do Heliconias grow in the Gold Coast?

Looking to buy Heliconias for your Gold Coast garden? We’ve got you covered! These tropical plants are prized additions to any Gold Coast garden, typically growing at a moderate pace. If you plant your Heliconia Tropics now, it will reach maturity in around 2-3 years. You can buy Heliconias full-height at Local Botanist if you don’t want to wait!

Q: What can I plant next to Heliconias?

Why stop once you’ve bought your new Heliconia? There are plenty of additional plants that look spectacular alongside the vibrant flowers and lush leaves of a Heliconia Tropics. For example, you can buy complementary tropical foliage like ginger, ferns, or bromeliads. Create a harmonious oasis by combining your Heliconias with palm trees and other tropical plants!

Q: Can I buy a Heliconia in Brisbane?

The warm Brisbane climate makes it a perfect place to keep Heliconias. You can buy your Heliconia Tropics online right here and we can ship them directly to your Brisbane home! Check out our Plantastic Delivery section for information on shipping and prices.

Heliconia Tropics


  • In stock
  • Delivery within 1-3 days based on location.
  • Local pickup by appointment only
  • Delivery Fees and Minimum Purchase

We’re excited to offer Heliconia Tropics, a plant known for its vibrant and exotic appearance. You can buy Heliconia Tropics from our online store and have this majestic plant shipped directly to your door. Thanks to its striking leaves and flamboyant flowers, you’ll immediately fall in love with this big-leaf tropical plant. Add Heliconia Tropics to your garden today!

Synonyms: Lobster Claw, Parrot’s Beak, Wild Plantain, False Bird of Paradise



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