Your Garden's New Dainty Blooms

Adaptable and easy to grow, White Agapanthus thrives in well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade. Its lush leaves complement the luminous blooms, creating striking contrast. Perfect for borders, containers, or cut flowers, it adds sophistication and charm, inviting admiration and appreciation to outdoor spaces, making it a versatile plant for any garden ideas.

How to Plant White Agapanthus?

This evergreen beauty is easy to plant and care for. Follow these planting tips for successful establishment:

  • Choose a sunny to partially shaded location with well-draining soil.
  • Dig a hole twice the size of the plant's root ball and place the plant at the same depth as it was in the container.
  • Backfill the hole with soil and water thoroughly.
  • Mulch around the plant to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Water regularly, especially during the plant's active growth period.

Why Should You Buy White Agapanthus Plants?

Indulge in the enchanting benefits of White Agapanthus plants, a garden gem that offers more than just aesthetic allure:

  • Attractive Flowers: Long-lasting blooms add beauty to the garden from late spring to early summer.
  • Easy to Maintain: Low maintenance requirements make it suitable for busy gardeners.
  • Fosters Biodiversity: Attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies.
  • Minimal Watering: Drought tolerant once established, making it suitable for water-wise landscapes.
  • Deer resistant: Ideal for gardens prone to wildlife browsing.
  • Erosion control: The plant's spreading and penetrating root system binds the soil, which is great for erosion control.

How to Care for White Agapanthus?

To ensure the continued beauty and health of your plant, proper maintenance is essential. Follow these steps to provide the optimal growing conditions:

  • Water regularly during the growing season, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
  • Apply a balanced fertiliser in spring to promote vigorous growth and flowering.
  • Deadheads bloom to encourage continuous flowering.
  • Divide overcrowded clumps every few years to maintain plant health and vigour.
  • Protect plants from frost by mulching around the base in colder climates.

Things to Consider When Growing White Agapanthus

White Agapanthus plants are a worthwhile addition to any garden with their charming, long-lasting flowers. They're also hardy and drought tolerant, meaning, they're easy to care for. Since they're versatile, they can serve many purposes in the garden – in mass plantings, borders, or even as a striking feature plant.

But to ensure optimal growth, it only makes sense to consider every factor when planting this hardy perennial. For instance, some agapanthus plants tend to be invasive in some parts of Australia, outpacing other plants. They can also form large clumps, which, if not monitored and remedied, can take up substantial space. And while generally considered a low-maintenance plant, it's best to remove spent flowers to prevent excessive seeding and self-spreading.

Finally, this plant is moderately frost-tolerant, but if you're growing it in colder regions with harsh climates, it may need protection from severe frost.

Treating White Agapanthus for Signs of Pests and Diseases

White Agapanthus is overall pest-resistant, although it can still attract the usual garden troublemakers, including snails and slugs, aphids, and mealybugs. You'll spot these pests by the tell-tale signs of stunted or deformed growth, yellow foliage, and damaged leaves and flowers.

To treat your plant from pests infestation, solutions like neem oil and mild insecticidal soap usually help manage the problem. Horticultural oils can also be effective to deal with mealybugs. To deal with snails, you can opt to hand-pick them or use organic bait to discourage them from nesting on your plants.

Root rot can also lead the plant to deteriorate if not salvaged on time. Ensure the soil is not too damp, prune affected roots, and adjust your watering habits to save the plant.

Where Can I Buy White Agapanthus Plants?

Ready to transform your lawn and elevate your outdoor space with White Agapanthus plants? Look no further than the Local Botanist. Browse through our plants collection and bring the joy of nature to your doorstep!

Check out our Plantastic Delivery section for more shipping information.

Companion Plants for White Agapanthus

Ready to design your own garden? You then need other plants to grow alongside White Agapanthus. When selecting companion plants, it's best to consider those that thrive in similar conditions to ensure a healthy, thriving garden. Here are some great options:

  • French Lavender: The purple blooms of lavender gives a charming contrast when paired with the white flowers of White Agapanthus.
  • Coastal Rosemary: This type of rosemary is known for being hardy and versatile, just like white agapanthus plants. They also generate the same white blooms.
  • Mock Orange: Agapanthus flowers don't really emit fragrance, so adding other fragrant plants like Mock Orange transforms your space into a fresh and sweet-smelling one.
  • Lavandula The Princess: The deep pink flowers of this Australian bred lavender is set to make your garden a haven of colours and contrast when planted with White Agapanthus.
Weight 2 kg
Pot Size

100mm, 140mm

Detailed Information

Typical height 30 to 60 cm
Minimum temperatur tolerance Hardy to USDA Zone 6
Climate Thrives in temperate climates with mild winters
Light conditions Prefers full sun to partial shade
Growth habit Clumping perennial with strap-like leaves
Growth conditions Well-draining soil with moderate moisture


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Q: What are the best growing conditions for White Agapanthus?

White Agapanthus thrives in well-draining soil and prefers full sun to partial shade. It is adaptable to various soil types but benefits from regular watering during the growing season.

Provide occasional fertilisation to promote healthy growth and abundant blooms. Find more fertilising tips here

Q: How tall does White Agapanthus grow?

White Agapanthus typically grows to heights ranging from 1 to 3 feet (0.3 to 0.9 metres), depending on the specific variety and growing conditions.

Q: When is the best time to plant White Agapanthus?

The best time to plant White Agapanthus is in spring or early summer, after the danger of frost has passed. This allows the plant to establish its roots before the heat of summer.

Q: How do you propagate White Agapanthus?

White Agapanthus can be propagated by division or from seeds. Division involves separating the plant’s rhizomes and replanting them in well-prepared soil. Seeds can be sown indoors in a seed-starting mix or directly in the garden after the last frost.

Q: How do you care for White Agapanthus in winter?

In colder climates, provide protection for White Agapanthus during winter by mulching heavily around the base of the plant. Consider container cultivation or bringing potted plants indoors to protect them from freezing temperatures.

Q: Are there any pests or diseases that affect White Agapanthus?

White Agapanthus is relatively pest and disease resistant. However, occasional pests such as aphids or snails may be problematic. Treat infestations with insecticidal soap or remove pests manually. Ensure good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases.

White Agapanthus

Agapanthus praecox

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  • Delivery within 1-3 days based on location.
  • Local pickup by appointment only
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White Agapanthus, a stunning perennial plant, boasts clusters of delicate, trumpet-shaped flowers atop tall, slender stems. Its graceful blooms, gleaming in pure white, illuminate gardens and landscapes with elegance. A symbol of purity and tranquillity, White Agapanthus captivates with its ethereal beauty and enchanting presence.

Synonyms: Lilly of the Nile



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