Copper Spoons

With a natural inclination to sprawl, Kalanchoe can reach impressive heights. Hardy and drought-tolerant, this resilient succulent thrives in well-draining soil and full sunlight, making it an ideal choice for arid landscapes and indoor gardens. Kalanchoe orgyalis is a fascinating addition to any collection, offering both aesthetic appeal and ease of care.

How to Use and Plant Copper Spoons

To plant and care for the captivating Kalanchoe orgyalis:

  • Well-Draining Soil - Ensure the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogged roots, using a cactus mix or adding perlite to regular soil.
  • Sunlight Exposure - Place Kalanchoe in a location with ample sunlight, preferably in direct sunlight or bright indirect light for at least 6 hours a day.
  • Watering - Allow the soil to dry between waterings, as Kalanchoe orgyalis is drought-tolerant. Water sparingly and avoid overwatering.
  • Container Gardening - Thriving both indoors and outdoors, consider planting Copper Spoons in containers for easy movement and maintenance, particularly in colder climates.

Benefits of Copper Spoons

Discover the noteworthy benefits of Kalanchoe, a captivating succulent with unique copper-hued leaves:

  • Aesthetic Appeal - Adds an eye-catching and distinctive touch to gardens and indoor spaces.
  • Low Maintenance - Thrives in various conditions, requiring minimal care and attention.
  • Air Purification - Acts as a natural air purifier, enhancing indoor air quality.
  • Drought Tolerance - Withstands extended periods without water, making it resilient in arid environments.
  • Versatile Landscaping - Suitable for both outdoor gardens and container planting, providing flexibility in landscaping designs.

How to Care for Copper Spoons

In addition to sunlight, watering, and well-draining soil, several key care considerations ensure Copper Spoons thrives in any environment:

  • Temperature - Maintain a warm environment, as Kalanchoe thrives in temperatures between 15-29°C, avoiding exposure to frost.
  • Pruning - Trim leggy or damaged stems to encourage bushier growth and maintain an attractive shape.
  • Fertilisation - Feed sparingly with a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser during the growing season (spring and summer) to promote healthy foliage.
  • Pot Size - Choose a pot with drainage holes and repot every 2-3 years to refresh the soil and provide additional space for growth.

Buy Kalanchoe orgyalis (Copper Spoons)

Ready to transform your lawn and elevate your outdoor space with Copper Spoons? Look no further than the Local Botanist. Browse through our green products and bring the joy of nature to your doorstep!

Weight 2 kg
Pot Size


Detailed Information

Typical height Up to 30 cm
Minimum temperatur tolerance Generally frost-tender, prefers temperatures above 10°C
Climate Suited for warm climates, but can be grown indoors in cooler areas
Light conditions Bright, indirect sunlight
Growth habit Compact, mounding
Growth conditions Requires well-draining soil, drought-tolerant once established, avoid waterlogged conditions


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Q: What is the fastest way to propagate Kalanchoe Copper Spoons?

The fastest way to propagate Kalanchoe Copper Spoons is through leaf cuttings. Simply snip a healthy leaf, allow it to callus for a day, and then plant it in well-draining soil. Keep the soil consistently moist until new roots and shoots emerge, typically within a few weeks. This efficient propagation method ensures the rapid growth of new plants, allowing enthusiasts to expand their Copper Spoons collection swiftly.</p>

Q: Why are my Kalanchoe Copper Spoons growing so tall?

Tall growth in Kalanchoe Copper Spoons may result from inadequate sunlight. This succulent tends to stretch towards light sources when not receiving sufficient illumination. To prevent elongation, ensure the plant is placed in a location with at least 6 hours of direct or bright indirect sunlight daily. Regularly rotating the plant can also promote even growth and maintain its compact, aesthetically pleasing form.

Q: How do you make Copper Spoons bushy?

To encourage a bushier growth pattern in Kalanchoe Copper Spoons, strategically prune the leggy or elongated stems. Regularly trim the tips using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. This process prompts the development of lateral shoots and stimulates a more compact, full-bodied appearance. Additionally, provide adequate sunlight and maintain a well-balanced watering routine to ensure the overall health and vitality of the plant, contributing to its lush and bushy form.

Q: Are Copper Spoons toxic?

Yes, Copper Spoons, like many plants in the Kalanchoe genus, contain compounds that can be toxic to pets and humans if ingested. The plant’s sap may irritate the skin. It is advisable to keep Copper Spoons out of reach of children and pets and to exercise caution when handling them to avoid potential skin irritation.

Q: Why are my Kalanchoe Copper Spoons not flowering?

Kalanchoe Copper Spoons may not flower if they lack sufficient sunlight. Ensure the plant receives at least 6 hours of direct or bright indirect sunlight daily. Additionally, ensure proper fertilisation during the growing season (spring and summer) to encourage blooming. Over-fertilisation or inadequate light are common factors hindering the flowering process in this resilient succulent.

Q: How do I know if my Copper Spoons are dying?

If your Copper Spoons are struggling, watch for signs like wilting, yellowing, or dropping leaves. Overwatering may lead to root rot, causing a decline. Conversely, underwatering can result in shrivelled or wrinkled leaves. Inspect for pests, and adjust care by assessing sunlight, soil moisture, and drainage. Swift intervention can often revive ailing Kalanchoe Copper Spoons.

Copper Spoons

Kalanchoe orgyalis

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  • Delivery within 1-3 days based on location.
  • Local pickup by appointment only
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Kalanchoe orgyalis, commonly known as Copper Spoons, is a striking succulent that captivates with its unique appearance. Native to Madagascar, this perennial plant features elongated, spoon-shaped leaves that showcase a remarkable coppery hue, creating an alluring visual contrast. The distinctive colouration is attributed to a dense covering of fine, cinnamon-coloured hairs on the leaves’ surface.

Synonyms: Kalanchoe antanosiana, Kalanchoe cantonasyana, Cinnamon Bear, Leather Plant, Shoe Leather Kalanchoe



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