Convolvulus Cneorum: A Versatile White Beauty

Also known as Bush Morning Glory, the flowers bloom from late spring through summer, providing ethereal appeal throughout the growing season. Its appearance also makes it an excellent choice for cottage-themed gardens where they can be displayed through hanging baskets, rockeries or mass planting.

Silverbush’s compact growth habit, reaching a height of about 30-60 cm, makes it also excellent for borders, rock gardens, and containers.

How to Plant Convolvulus Cneorum?

Convolvulus cneorum is admired for its attractive silver-green leaves and its funnel-shaped white flowers. If you’re keen to have this evergreen dwarf shrub added to your garden, planting it in Australia is easy.

Simply follow these steps for healthy planting

  • The best time to plant Silverbush is when temperatures are milder, which puts early spring or autumn as ideal seasons. 
  • This plant thrives in low to moderately fertile, medium moisture, and well-drained soil. As with many other evergreen shrubs, the Convolvulus cneorum silver bush does not tolerate waterlogged conditions; ensure excellent drainage to make sure that doesn’t happen. 
  • This trailing Mediterranean ground cover perennial flourishes with abundant sunlight. Make sure to plant in full sun. 
  • Once settled, the plant can tolerate heat and drought, hence, requiring less watering.

Why Should You Buy Convolvulus Cneorum?

There are so many plants to consider adding to your garden. Convolvulus cneorum’s beauty and versatility, however, makes this hardy shrub a must-have. Here are more reasons to buy the Convolvulus cneorum plant:

  • Silvery Foliage: The plant easily attracts thanks to its silver-grey foliage, providing year-round interest. The silver bush also maintains interest even during winter when many perennials are inactive. 
  • Compact Size: With a height and spread of 30-60 cm and 60-120 cm, respectively, this shrub is perfect for borders, containers, and smaller gardens.
  • Drought-Tolerant: Silverbush is highly drought-tolerant after settling, just right for Australian climates.
  • Extended Blooming Period: Who doesn’t want longer periods of refreshing beauty in the garden? Silverbush is known for exactly that, producing stunning white or pale pink flowers from late spring through summer. 
  • Attracts Wildlife: Promotes biodiversity in your garden by attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Silverbush is deer-resistant, fortunately. 

How to Care for Convolvulus Cneorum?

While Silverbush is easy to grow, there are a few factors to keep in mind to ensure it thrives, which are as follows: 

  • Silverbush requires minimal watering after settling. Water only during extended dry periods, and ensure the soil dries out between your watering routine to avoid root rot.
  • This plant generally thrives without much fertilisation, but if you want to do more, you can apply a slow-release fertiliser in spring for optimal health and growth. Find more fertilising tips here
  • Silverbush doesn’t like heavy pruning. In fact, doing so runs the risk of damaging the plant. Light pruning after flowering, however, can help retain its compact shape and stimulate new growth. 
  • To retain moisture and suppress weeds, mulching around the base of the plant can help. Just keep the mulch away from the plant’s crown to prevent rot.

Things to Consider When Growing Convolvulus Cneorum

When done right, growing Convolvulus cneorum can be rewarding. Root rot is one of the causes of potential deterioration, fortunately, you can prevent this by ensuring Silverbush is planted in well-drained areas or raised beds.

Being highly drought-tolerant, it’s crucial not to overwhelm the plant with frequent watering once established.  The plant can also tolerate heat but providing a sheltered location is still essential. An afternoon light shade in hot summer climates is recommended. 

Treating Your Convolvulus Cneorum for Signs of Pests and Diseases

Keeping your plant healthy and thriving means you need to be proactive about potential diseases and pests. That’s why it’s a good thing that Silverbush is generally pest and disease-resistant, except for the occasional bouts of root rot because of overwatering. Water sparingly to avoid this. 

Pests like aphids, spider mites, and white flies  can occasionally cause trouble for plants like Silverbush.  You can salvage your plant from heavy infestation using insecticidal soap or neem oil. 

Where to Buy Convolvulus Cneorum?

At Local Botanist, we offer a variety of shrubs and flowering plants that include Silverbush, famous for its silky, silvery-green leaves and white flowers that shine in late spring through summer. 

Order the Convolvulus cneorum silverbush today and transform your landscape into your own dream garden. You can also discover the garden style that’s right for you by taking our Garden Style Quiz. Happy planting! 

Companion Plants for Convolvulus Cneorum

Silverbush pairs beautifully with a variety of other drought-tolerant plants, creating a stunning Mediterranean-inspired garden. Here are example of companion plants for Silverbush to consider: 

Weight 1-5 kg
Pot Size

140mm pot

Detailed Information

Typical height 30-60 cm
Minimum temperatur tolerance Can tolerate temperatures down to -5°C
Climate Thrives in warm, dry, and coastal areas
Light conditions Full sun
Growth habit Compact, rounded growth
Growth conditions Well-drained, sandy or loamy soil; slightly alkaline to neutral soil


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Q: What is the best season to plant Convolvulus Cneorum in Australia?

The best time to plant Silverbush is in early spring or autumn, so it has the best chance to establish before the intense heat of summer or cold of winter.

Q: Can Convolvulus Cneorum be grown in pots?

As a versatile plant, Silverbush’s compact size makes it ideal for containers. Ensure the pot has good drainage and place it in a sunny location.

Q: How do I care for the Convolvulus Cneorum in winter?

Silverbush is hardy and can withstand light frosts. In colder regions, consider covering the plant during extreme frost events to prevent damage.

Q: How big will Convolvulus Cneorum get?

This shrub typically grows to a height and spread of about 50-60 cm, ideal for small spaces, borders, and pots. 

Q: Can you grow Convolvulus Cneorum from cuttings?

A testament to its versatility, this plant can be propagated by several methods, including seeds, cuttings, and layering.

Q: Can I buy Convolvulus Cneorum in Brisbane?

Brisbane’s abundant sunlight is one of the best places to grow Silverbush. Ready to shop for new plants and enhance your garden’s lively charm? Buy Silverbush today or explore lovely plant collections right here.

Check out our Plantastic Delivery section for more shipping information.


Convolvulus Cneorum

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The Convolvulus cneorum, commonly known as Silverbush, is an evergreen shrub that’s native to the Mediterranean region. Showcasing silvery-green foliage and large white flowers that emerge from lovely pink buds, its small and spreading growth habit makes for an attractive ground cover

If you want your garden to display a subtle hint of sophistication, you can very well do so with Silverbush’s masses of white flowers in summer and gorgeous velvet-like leaves all year. 

Synonyms: Silverbush, Silver Bindweed, Shrubby Bindweed



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